A Beginner-friendly Guide to a Perfect Web Design

By: Maria James

We ‘all get that the modern age is the digital marketing era, which is unavoidable. It’s because of the potential to either make or break your sales strategy within seconds. And that’s why every web design company in Dubai and elsewhere strongly emphasizes creating an overwhelmingly impressive website for their clients. However, for that cutting-edge website, you need to get a hold of the basics to convey it to the designer seamlessly. 

Again, it must be a hard nut to crack for non-designers in a short period, so we’ve curated this handy guide which will surely come to use when getting your brand’s website designed. 

  • Understand your Audience 

Remember that the first step is always crucial, as it carries the predictability of success. When developing a website, the first call is to identify your target audience and who’ll be attracted to your products and services. For instance, if you’re running a cosmetic brand, you’re more likely to attract women and young ladies to your platform. 

Pay attention to the type of content they like, and try incorporating it into the design. Next, you must also attend to their visual desires, implying presenting your products in the most impressive way to appeal to them at first glance. 

  • Well-groomed Navigation 

No navigation is better than adding cluttered navigation, which is quite frustrating to users. In this regard, keep short titles, and avoid acronyms. Prospective buyers who know very little about your brand might get confused and exhausted when they cannot get what you’re referring to. As per professionals, seven or fewer navigation categories are ideal, as too many options can be overwhelming. 

  • Value-packed Homepage 

A homepage should be a direct reflection of your brand and your business. So, the audience can instantly make a visual connection between the color themes, logos, and purpose. It should be able to direct traffic to other parts of the website. 

For example, use clear and concise call-to-actions to highlight the major objectives of your brand. Do you want the audience to schedule a tour, attend an open house, or subscribe to your newsletter? Align your priorities and place the most important ones on the homepage, as it’s your virtual real estate. 

  • Ensure Mobile-friendliness 

Designing is something you can’t learn but comes from within. Regardless if the user is operating via smartphone, tablet or laptop, they must be able to perceive your website’s content. So that, even if they want to make a purchase or take any action, it wouldn’t be a hassle. According to research, nearly 70 to 80% of users opt for handy gadgets to skim through their favorite brands and place online orders.

  • Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital for any brand’s website design. A great SEO in Dubai makes it easier for buyers to find your website online. Also, it allows your brand to appear higher in Google’s search rankings. From how pages are labeled with the titles of images to the content on the home page, SEO design covers it all. Since Title tags and Meta descriptions are a vital part of search engine optimization of any website, you must always pay attention to them. 

  • Add Engaging Images 

Do you believe that the first impression is the last? Well, that’s exactly the case with visuals on a website. According to experts, you must use your private-labeled high-resolution images without relying too much on stock photos. If you can’t afford a professional shoot, you may acquire photographers as volunteers to help you out. But ensure that it’s the story-telling of your brand. There’s no need for perfectly-manicured products to get the perfect shot; often, the value becomes more compelling than the settings.  

  • Call-to-Action 

As for the last aspect, don’t make it challenging for the prospects to contact you by adding an accurate email address and phone number in the footer so it displays on all pages. Add all the ways the consumers can get you and incorporate a form with all the relevant queries. Lastly, you can embed a map on your contact page so visitors can navigate your outlet’s location.  

Last Few Words!

Although web design is in every entrepreneur’s head, only designers genuinely know what to add. As we mentioned in the beginning, you can’t compromise when getting your website designed. It’s one thing to read these seven web design tips, but it’s another to apply them to your site. When doing so, remember to add these to your bucket list to make your web competition-worthy.

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