Hacks For ICF Coaches To Improve Their Well-Being

By: Maria James

Improve Their Well-Being

Your career as an ICF coach may be in a recession, or you may have lost your job as the coach of a team for some reason. You want to find something else that can give you the same feeling of being able to make a difference and take care of people. The great thing about ICF coaching is that it allows coaches to be active in their communities while serving children in need through their coaching.

Take A Few Minutes Every Day To Build Your Resilience:

Some of the best ways to improve your well-being are:

  • Take time to breathe, relax and meditate. Just take a few minutes every day to do these things to build up your resilience over time.
  • Use a journal or notebook to write down what’s on your mind during those moments of calmness (if not, write down anything). 

Speak A Different Language When You Communicate With Your Clients:

The first step in improving your well-being is speaking a different language when communicating with clients. This can be hard for some coaches because they don’t want to make themselves sound like a foreign speaker or use an accent that makes them seem out of place. However, it’s essential to make yourself feel better and help improve communication between coaches and their clients and create trust between them.

Tell Your Clients Your Goals, But Get Them Involved In Creating Their Own:

  • Tell your clients what you want them to achieve.
  • Ask them to help create a plan that meets those objectives.
  • Invite participants to identify obstacles or barriers that might get in the way of reaching their goals or meeting their needs. Then, discuss solutions with them (such as finding additional time or hiring someone else).

Make Time Each Day For Yourself:

As a coach, you constantly move, so finding time for yourself is challenging. But don’t let that stop you from caring for your mental health needs! Take a break now and then; ensure you get enough sleep, and don’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself.

Pause, Reflect, And Ask Yourself:

It’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day of coaching, but when you take a moment to reflect on your interactions with clients and colleagues, you’ll notice that there are times when they need some help. In those moments, pause before jumping right into what you have to say next, take a deep breath and ask yourself.  

Treat Every Interaction As If You’re Coaching An ICF Coach In Your Program:

You are a coach in your program. You have personal biases, assumptions, and emotions that influence how you approach every interaction with an ICF coach. To help yourself be more aware of these factors, it’s helpful to think about each interaction as if it were happening in the context of ICF coaching in your program.

It’s Possible To Be A Good Coach While Maintaining Healthy Relationships With Family And Friends, Too:

You can be a good friend while being an effective coach. You can also be a great parent and coach. If you’re married, it’s even possible for your spouse to have positive feelings about being coached by you!


It’s not your job to help your coaches with their anxiety and depression, so don’t do it. They should be talking to the head coach, therapist, or spouse if they’re feeling down. But doctors are expensive, and therapy tends to be reimbursed by insurance companies very poorly, so you might want to try to get them covered by the company’s health plan. You can also ask your accountant or bookkeeper for help in looking into it.

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