Study: Grades Can Negatively Impact Students’ Health

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Written By Maria James

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In academia, grades are important. They highlight accomplishments and inspire pupils to work hard in class and do their best. At least according to one theory.

Why Grades Need to Be Excluded

Constantly receiving grades for their work can encourage students to have a fixed perspective; they might start to think that their grades define who they are and cannot be improved by learning. Students can have a chance to change their environment by selecting the lewisham tuition centre because there is no concept of grading at all. Students that have a fixed perspective are more prone to shy away from difficult assignments, which would reduce their learning possibilities.

Negative Impact on Health

According to research, grades can have a detrimental effect on students’ well-being and serve as a source of worry and anxiety. With grades come to pressure and expectations for high achievers (potentially from themselves, their peers, and their parents). It can be extremely difficult to live up to this when they fail. However, when students are less successful, grades provide them with a simple means of directly comparing themselves to others, revealing their shortcomings and degrading their sense of competence and worth.

Participation in Subpar Learning Methods

While studies have shown that giving students grades for their work or tests can help them retain material for brief periods, it does not enhance memory after a longer period, which is important for exams scheduled at a later date. This is because if marks are consistently given, this becomes the only thing that pupils think about instead of researching and being interested in the subject. As a result, the processing is carried out at a much deeper level, and retention is increased.

Poor Relationships Are Produced

Building good relationships with teachers is crucial for students because it makes them feel comfortable approaching them for help with material they are having trouble understanding. This can enhance academic achievement. As a result of students’ perceptions that their teacher’s mark does not accurately reflect the caliber of their work or that the marking is inconsistent, the grading of student work may prevent the development of such trust. Similarly to this, grading assignments might prevent students from building relationships with one another since competition-style learning environments can make students less interested in studying as a group and more focused on competing against their classmates.

Not all Grades are Bad

While a recent study has brought to light some drawbacks of grading, there are also some definite benefits.

  1. Possibility of feedback

Students have the opportunity to get feedback through grades, which they can use to set tough but doable goals for future development. Setting objectives is a good approach for students to boost their academic performance since they give motivation, which enhances concentration and focus.

      2.Choose the most suitable courses.

Giving students grades enables them to recognize their abilities, allowing them to choose the courses they enroll in with knowledge. Making educated judgments is crucial because they can influence a student’s future academic path and, ultimately, career.

       3.Grades Ensure Risk-Aversive Action

We can all agree that the letter grade F connotes futility and vanity, while the letter grade A connotes pride and happiness. The way that society views education is strongly influenced by these connections. The dread of failing results from the expectation of earning a grade. Therefore, students are more likely to take the road less traveled and choose the easy A. Looking back on my university experience, I too purposefully picked courses that would raise my GPA.

How Can Grades Be Used Successfully?

While the UK does not need to make such significant changes, teachers should be encouraged to think about how often and how they issue grades. One of the top educational systems in the world, Finland, credits some of its success to a lack of grading.

Teachers should give out grades infrequently and concentrate their efforts on providing insightful written feedback. To prevent students from focusing solely on their grades and not even considering their feedback, written feedback should preferably be provided several days before grades are released for assignments.

But do we as a culture want our pupils to behave in this way? Will this elevate them to educated people? Maybe this is just how people behave naturally. However, I believe that we should encourage children to be naive, to dream large, to take chances, and to use divergent thinking. Such circumstances foster the emergence of genuinely novel notions. Students should embrace failure in their endeavors because both success and failure are only two sides of the same coin.

Grades Are Now The End Objective

As the test date approaches, the inquiry “Is this going to be on the test?” is more and more common. It seems like a simple query, but when you dig deeper, a troubling pattern emerges.

Grades, which were initially intended to be useful learning tools, have changed into a goal in and of themselves. Grades sometimes ignore a student’s actual understanding of the material, forcing them to memorize the facts they must know to pass an exam. Because of the pressing importance of grades, the student’s personal growth is being reduced to a mere footnote in this process. What effects will this have on educational institutions? How effectively do they carry out their responsibility to teach the future generation?


Although there is undoubted evidence that grades harm students, there are also some benefits connected to them, so suggesting that teachers stop grading pupils altogether may not be the best solution. Education centre like the House of tutors give you a chance to enhance your skills without taking the burden of grades. While grades help students evaluate their skills and select the classes that are best suited to them, they also have the potential to discourage students from taking on more difficult tasks out of a fear of failing, add unneeded stress or harm to their sense of worth, encourage the use of superficial learning techniques, and prevent the development of close relationships (not only between students and their teacher but also between students themselves).

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